[ q u e n y a  l a p s e p a r m a ]

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[ L ]

LACY - said to mean 'mythical woman'; perhaps Nullanis or Nullawen ("obscure woman/maiden")

LAMBERT (m.) - Old Ger. 'land + bright'; nóre "land"; calima "bright", thus Norcalimo

LAMIS (f.) - Arabic 'girl of soft skin'; helma "skin, fell", maxa, musse "soft", so perhaps Mascalmelle, Muscalmelle or just Maxalle or Musselle (for "soft-maiden")

LANDON (m.) - Old Eng. 'long + hill'; an- "long"; ambo "hill", thus Anambo

LARA (f.) - of Latin origin 'famous one' or a short form of LARISSA (see below); *sinta "known" (from ista-, pa.t. sinte "know"), thus Sinte ("known one")

LARISSA (f.) - of Greek origin 'happy, cheerful'; there is a problem, there is only one Quenya word that can express 'happiness' and in fact it is not even given by Tolkien: *alassea "joyful" (from alasse "joy"). Few names were already translated with this word. In a case of this name we may use simply Alasse ("joy"), because the ending -sse is both feminine and abstract. Another possibility could be merya "festive", the feminine Merye

LASSARINA (f.) - Irish 'flame + wine'; náre "flame, fire"; miru, limpe "wine", thus Náremiri or Nárelimpe

LAURA (f.) - feminine of LAUREL (q.v.), so Laitaine

LAUREL (m.) - Latin 'laurel', laitaina "praised", so Laitaino

LAUREN (f.) - feminine of LAURENCE (q.v.), so Laitoste

LAURENCE (m.) - from Latin 'from Laurentum', 'Laurentum' itself seems to be from Latin 'laurel'; if we translate 'Laurentum' as laitos "praised city", then we could have Laitosto

LEAH (f.) - either Heb. 'cow' or 'weary'; yaxe "cow", so Yaxe as such, yerna "worn", so could be Yerniel; or Assirian 'ruler'; heri "lady", cane, cani "ruler", so Heri, Cane or Cani as such

LEANNE (f.) - from LEE (q.v.) and ANNA (q.v.), so perhaps Tauralmie

LEE (m. & f.) - from Old Eng. 'wood'; taure "wood, forest", thus m. Tauro and f. Taure

LEILA, LELA (f.) - Arabic 'night'; móre "night, darkness", thus Móre itself or Mórie

LEMUEL (m.) - Heb. 'devoted to God, Godward'; *Erunna "Godward, to God", thus Erunno

LEO, LEON (m.) - Latin 'lion'; "lion", thus Rávo

LEONA, LIONNA (f.) - feminine of LEO (q.v.), thus Ráve or Ravenne ("she-lion")

LEONARD (m.) - Old Ger. 'lion + hard/strong'; "lion"; tulca "strong", thus Rátulco

LEONID (m.) - Rávion, see NWHAGEN

LEOPOLD (m.) - Old Ger. 'people + brave'; lie "people"; verya, canya "bold", thus Lieveryo or Liecanyo

LESLEY (m. & f.) - Old Eng. 'meadow-land'; salque "grass", -ndor "land", so Salquendor; the name is more likely to be derived from LESSLYN (q.v.)

LESSLYN (f.) - Gaelic 'holly garden'; ercasse "holly", corin "circular enclosure", so Ercassecorin or Ercascorin or perhaps even Ercorin; or it might be 'gray fortress'; sinda, mista, hiswe "grey", osto "city, fortress" so Sindos or Mistos or Hisvos (all declined as -ost-)

LIA (f.) - said to mean 'weary'; yerna "worn", so Yerne; different spellings could change the name to mean 'female ruler'; inya "female ture "she-ruler", so Inyature

LIADAN (f.) - Gaelic 'gray lady'; sinda "grey", heri "lady", Sindaheri

LILITH (f.) - Heb. 'of the night'; *lómina "of the night", thus Lómine

LILY (f.) - 'lily'; indil "lily", thus Indil itself

LINDA (f.) - possibly 'pretty' (see ALINDA); Linda would be good or Linde

LINDSAY (f.) - Old Eng. 'Lincoln's wetland'; perhaps Linnende if the first element is retained (+ nenda "watery")

LIONEL (m.) - Fr. diminutive of LEON (q.v.), thus could be Ravince

LISA (f.) - Erúve, see NWHAGEN

LITTIE (f.) - "little cutie"; titta "little", so Tittalle

LLOYD (m.) - Welsh 'gray'; sinda "gray", thus Sindo

LOIS (f.) - Greek 'good, desirable'; írima "desirable", so Írime

LOGAN (m.) - Scottish 'little hollow'; unque "hollow", -lle a diminutive ending, so Unquello

LOLITA (f.) - Spanish diminutive of DOLORES (q.v.), thus Nyérelle

LORA (f.) - form of LAURA (q.v.)

LOREENA (f.) - form of LORA (q.v.)

LOUANNE (f.) - from LOU (a varint of LOUIS (q.v.)) and ANNA (see HANNA), hence we can get something Alcarohtareruanne, which is rather long, but we can shorten it to Alcareruan or even to Alceruan, Alceruanne is possible, too

LOUIS (m.) - Ger. 'fame + warrior'; alcar "glory, splendour"; ohtar "warrior", thus Alcarohtar

LOUISA, LOUISE (f.) - a fem. form of LOUIS (q.v.), thus Alcarohtare

LOVELL, LOWELL (m.) - a diminutive of Anglo-Norman 'wolf'; *narmince (narmo + ince) "little wolf", thus Narmince itself

LUBOV' (f.) - Russian 'love'; melme "love", hence Melme

LUCIA, LUCY (f.) - feminine of LUCIUS (q.v.), thus could Calie, Calme, Calde, Calien, etc.

LUCIANA (f.) - variant of LUCIA (q.v.), so perhaps Calien, Calmea, Caldea or another one

LUCIUS (m.) - probably derived from Latin 'light'; cala "light", thus could be Calmo, Caldo, Calion, etc.

LUDMILA (f.) - Czech 'people-loving"; lie "people", nilda "loving", so Lienilda or Lienilde

LUKE (m.) - from 'of Lucania'; it might be adapted to Quenya as Lucanía, so Lucanío

LUTHER (m.) - Ger. 'people + army/host'; lie "people"; rimbe "host", thus Lierimbo

LYDIA (f.) - Greek 'of Lydia'; 'Lydia' might be adapted to Elvish as Lilía

LYNN (f.) - Welsh 'lake'; ailin, so Ailin as such

<get out get outta here enough already>