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[ V ]

VALENTINE (m. and f.) - from Latin 'strong'; tulca "strong", thus masc. Tulco and fem. Tulce

VALERIE (f.) - Latin 'strong'; polda "strong", so Poldalle

VANNESSA (f.) - www.behindthename.com says this about the name: "Invented by author Jonathan Swift. He arrived at it by rearranging the initial syllables of the first name and surname of Esther Vanhomrigh, his close friend. Vanessa was later used as the name of a genus of butterfly." For that reason the name is rather untranslatable.

VASILI (m.) - see BASIL above

VELI (m.) - Finnish 'brother'; toron "brother", so Toron as such

VERA (f.) - Slavic 'faith, trust'; perhaps vórima, voronda "faithful, steadfast", hence Vórime or; it also might be Sande (from sanda "true"), because the name seems to be influence by Lativ 'verus' "true" Voronde

VERONICA (m.) - from BERENICE (q.v.), so Túrante

VESA (m.) - Finnish 'sprout, young tree'; nessa "young", alda, orne "tree", so Nessalda or Nessaldo or Nessorno

VICTOR (m.) - Latin 'conqueror'; *mapar "seizer", thus Mapar itself; or maybe *nacil "victor", thus Nacil itself

VICTORIA (f.) - feminine of VICTOR (q.v.), thus Mapare; Nacilme (the latter probably would also mean "victory" - closer to Latin 'victoria') or Túre ("victory, mastery")

VIRGINIA (f.) - 'virginuous'; *vénea "virginuous", so Vénea as such

VINCENT (m.) - Latin 'conquering'; *mapala "seizing", thus Mapalon

VIVECA (f.) - a form of WIBEKA (q.v.)

VIVIAN (m.) - Latin 'lively, alive'; cuina "alive", so Cuino

VIVIANA (f.) - feminine form of VIVIAN (q.v.), so Cuine or even Cuinalle or Cuinisse

VLADIMIR (m.) - Slavic 'ruler of peace'; sére "peace"; -tur "ruler", thus Séretur; it is possible that the element 'mir' here means "world" (arda), so Ardatur

VOITTO (m. & f.) - Finnish 'victory'; túre "victory, mastery", so m. Túro and f. Túre

<get out get outta here enough already>